Frequently asked questions


  • Whether you are pregnant or trying to get pregnant, now is the time to start chiropractic care. Having a neurospinal system that is clear and open creates the optimal environment for conception and pregnancy. During pregnancy your baby is exposed to the same traumas, toxins, and illness as you so regular checks of your nervous system early and often will help provide for the best possible outcome.

  • Children need a healthy nervous system to be able to grow and thrive. So much of the essential neuro-developmental changes occur in the first few years of life that having your kids scanned and adjusted helps them live up to their best potential.

  • Babies are designed to do three things: eat, sleep, and poop. So, if they are having trouble with any of those three things, it is likely that something is off in their nervous system. In older kids, symptoms like ear infections, bed wetting, asthma, growing pains, behavioral issues, or sensory processing issues can indicate stress occurring in their nervous system and could benefit from chiropractic care.

  • Just a little gentle pressure is all it takes to stimulate the different areas of the nervous system in infants. Babies need so little force to move their spine that the amount of pressure used is no more than that used to check if a tomato is ripe. It is very gentle, and most babies are relaxed throughout the adjustment. That’s all there is to it. It’s simple, safe, and effective.

  • We do! While we specialize in pregnancy and kids, we all have stress and issues that affect our health, so we see everyone and provide everyone with the same individualized, customized approach. In fact, you will often see entire families in our office under care and we offer affordable family care plans to make sure everyone gets the care they need.

  • Typically, when people think of a chiropractor, they think of someone who treats neck pain, back pain, or maybe headaches or sciatica. They think of bones, muscles, and symptoms. But health is more than the absence of pain or symptoms. As a neurologically based chiropractor, we don’t ignore symptoms, but our focus is much deeper and involves looking at how the nervous system is functioning. Think of your brain and spinal system as your body’s fuse box. Our goal is to improve your neurological function which allows your body to adapt and respond to stressors and therefore maintain balance. That is why we use the state-of-the-art Insight Scanner to assess the functioning of the nervous system instead of x-rays that looks more at bones. We use the information from these scans to help develop care plans to help you reach your health goals.

  • We are a cash-based office. We do not bill or submit insurance claims. In general, insurance companies are not focused on any preventative or wellness services. The great news is that by not having to deal with insurance companies, office cost are kept down, so we can offer affordable care for the whole family. We accept cash, check, credit/debit, and HSA/flex spending. Our care plans can be split into monthly payments to be more affordable for families and we always welcome open and honest conversations about finances. We are here to serve you and will do all that we can to help.

  • Yes! Dr. Crystal loves educating the community about health and speaking about how we can live our best lives. Not only does she offer in house lectures and health talks, but she would also love to speak to your school, moms group, church group, and company. Visit our Contact Us page to get a complimentary talk scheduled.

We invite you to contact us to request a new patient appointment or to find answers to anything else you’re wondering!